Thursday, July 11, 2013

Skinny's Steps Up

Katie's Summer of Love continues...

We're thrilled to announce that Skinny's Lounge (the location that hosted our Rock4Katie Benefit Concert in May) was so moved by the passion and love you all showed that night, that they've arranged another fundraising event for Katie!

Thursday July 18th Skinny's will host an event called "Elixir"  - it's a retro/60's/posh party  (think "Mad Men" )  and admission is free -- but at the event they'll be selling Raffle Tickets for a Westinghouse Digital Flatscreen TV!  100% of the raffle proceeds will go to support Katie!

We here at Team Katie are deeply moved by this unsolicited, generous act by Skinny's NoHo and the producers of Elixir.   Please show your support by sharing this event on Facebook, or via any other means, with your Los Angeles area friends. 
And if you can make it Thursday night (July 18th), please join us at Skinny's Lounge in North Hollywood  

~ Team Katie

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Katie's Summer of Love

Summer is here and there's good news from the land of "Katie's Brain."   Katie has connected with a new surgeon at UCLA who believes they can remove most of the tumor!    This is makes a HUGE difference - both medically and mentally.   For most of the past year she'd been living with the idea that she had an inoperable tumor... and with this news the veil has been lifted and hope is on the menu!  

Her surgery is scheduled for early August (currently the 8th) - and so we've named this "Katie's Summer Of Love"!   Send your prayers, positive vibes, good wishes and any support you can to help as Katie and her family enjoy the weeks of July and prepare for the post-surgery recovery period in August.

Here's what Katie recently wrote on her CarePages blog:

"It's hard not to think of where I was this time last year, health-wise. I remember being so fragile just 3 weeks
out of surgery and going to see fireworks and praying I didn't have a gigantic seizure. Now here we are
getting ready to dive in again.

My wonderful hypnotherapist, John, made a great point today of saying that now that I have discovered that I don't need to be sick to be significant, it is all falling into place to make that happen. I have found the right surgeon who will remove my tumor, my seizures will stop and I will be healthy again.

I think all of the epiphanies I have had over the last year play a part in leading me to this point. Obviously I
wasn't ready to take in the messages a year ago, but now I am, culminating in bringing me back to health
and a happy ending. That is what I choose to believe."

We're with you Katie!  Here's to a happy, healthy Summer of Love!